Proposal Assistance

MTIP offers a range of coaching as you explore SBIR/STTR funding options including:

  • Solicitation matching to identify agencies, research areas, and funding opportunities best suited for your innovation
  • Guidance on required registrations and organizing your proposal preparation process to meet deadlines
  • Consulting and full proposal reviews by experienced SBIR experts to make sure your proposals are compliant and effectively describe the intellectual merits of your proposed project, the significance and impacts of the work, the market potential of your innovation, and that you have a strong team to carry out the work and commercialize the resulting product

We have prepared simple templates that comply with agency formatting instructions and the required content so your team can ensure you’re relaying the salient details in the limited number of pages/slides allowed. We have also developed Technical Objectives and Tasks worksheets, checklists, and Phase I budget calculators that can help you crunch numbers that align well with your proposed technical work. Reach out to request access to a Google Drive folder or send a request to the MTIP Program Director and we’ll be happy to share the templates best suited for your agency and topic.

The Montana Innovation Partnership (MTIP) is based at Montana University TechLink Center. We are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Adminstration with additional funding from the Montana Department of Commerce.

© Montana Innovation Partnership