Coming Soon! Some of our favorite things and industry-specific resources

We will add links to resources that may expose you to new knowledge, research, and training content to support your tech-based entrepreneurial journey!

Have some ideas or helpful resources to share? Let us know at!

Here are a few areas important to Montana economies and with opportunities for innovations that may be right for SBIR funding: Ag-tech and precision agriculture, health and life sciences, biotech, photonics, quantum, AI/ML.

While we build out this page, here are a few to get us started in no particular order:

VentureWell Resources for Innovators:

Quanta Magazine:

Working with the DoD:

The Montana Innovation Partnership (MTIP) is based at Montana University TechLink Center. We are funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Adminstration with additional funding from the Montana Department of Commerce.

© Montana Innovation Partnership